Las Bestias (2015) | Película completa

Las Bestias (2015) | Película completa

Amalia finds a deaf young man living in the woods behind his house. Another man appears looking for him and she instinctively decides to hide it. Could he be in danger? Who's really the man who let his house in?

  1. Subtitles available: Spanish for the Deaf, English

  2. Yanina Martino
    Carlos Reynoso
    Matías Corradino

direction, script and general production
Leo Basilico, Nicolás Longinotti and Pablo Rodríguez Pandolfi
Executive production
Leo Basilico
Photography and post-production direction
Nicolás Longinotti and Pablo Rodríguez Pandolfi
Art direction, clothing and make-up
Soledad Guerrero and Manu Tcherkaski
Management assistance
Florencia Laurenzi
Sound direction
Tomás Kruse
Original music
Lautaro Alvarez

The beasts are distributed under a copyleft license, particularly a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The film can be freely distributed, shared and modified as long as the original is mentioned and the resulting product is shared in the same way. If you want to ask us for a specific material of the film, or use it in some way that is not contemplated within the license, do not hesitate to write to us

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